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Club Policies: Get Involved

Club Policies

Keeping Our Club A Safe, Happy Place

We are so happy you’re interested in getting involved with MOMS Club of Parkton. 

To participate with club activities, members must pay their $25 annual dues, read, and sign our Liability Release, Code of Conduct, Playgroup Guidelines, and Illness Policy. Our policies are listed below for your perusal. If you have any questions, or if you are ready to join, please email: and we will send the forms to you!


Liability Release

I, the undersigned, understand that my participation and the participation of any members of my family, in any MOMS Club function or program is completely voluntary, and we hereby give permission for me and my family to join in those functions or programs. My family shall hold harmless this local MOMS Club, the MOMS Club corporation, any MOMS Club volunteers or representatives, and/or the providers of any function or program and/or materials from any liability and/or responsibility for any accident, illness, or injury that occurs during or as a result of any function or program. I accept that the final responsibility for my safety and that of my family rests with me.

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Code of Conduct

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to establish guidelines for members at all MOMS Club® functions or when interacting with other members. It will allow for the removal of members from the MOMS Club® if they violate the guidelines established and set forth herein. The final decision will rest with the Executive Board.


The MOMS Club® supports all mothers and recognizes that there are many different parenting styles and personalities in our club. To ensure a safe, supportive atmosphere, we ask the following of all members:


  1. No member shall use obscene or abusive verbal language directed towards any other member of the club of their child/children.

  2. No member shall use physical or obscene gestures towards any other member of the club or their child/children.

  3. Members shall refrain from malicious gossip or harassment regarding other members of the club in person, via phone, email, or virtually.

  4. All members shall be considerate and respectful of the property of other members.

  5. Members shall not misuse the MOMS Club® roster, wix, facebook group, or the contents. Personal information about club members should not be shared with people outside the club without permission from that member.

  6. Members shall abide by the bylaws as set forth by International MOMS Club®

Payment of Dues or Fees

  1. Members are responsible for prompt payment of dues on their annual re-registration date. If payment of dues would result in hardship, please speak with the President.

  2. If a member chooses to pay her dues or any other activity fee in cash, it is her responsibility to obtain a receipt from the Treasurer.

  3. If a member pays by check and the check does not clear, the member will be responsible for paying any bank fees associated with the collection of the check.


Children’s Code of Conduct

MOMS Club® activities are meant to be enjoyable and safe events for both parents and children. The MOMS Club® respects parenting differences but expects that all children behave appropriately at MOMS Club® activities. Each mother is responsible for her own child’s behavior.


Unacceptable behavior includes but is not limited to: hitting, pushing, scratching, kicking, biting, spitting, slapping, hitting with objects, hair pulling, destroying property, inappropriate touching, overly aggressive behavior.

In the unfortunate event that these behaviors occur during MOMS Club® activities, the child’s mother should remove her child from the area. When disciplining, please remove the child from the immediate area and do so in a reasonable tone of voice so as not to further disrupt or alarm others in the group. In situations that involve unacceptable behaviors, if the behavior is attempted, his/her mother should remove the child from the area for an appropriate period of time-out. The child’s mother will be expected to keep an especially diligent watch over the child if attempt to inflict harm on another child is made, whether that attempt is intentional or not. If the child attempts the behavior a second time at the same activity, the mother must remove the child from the MOMS Club® activity for the day. If any of the behaviors occur, the mother and child shall leave for the day. If the child returns to another MOMS Club® function and demonstrates the same negative behavior, then the mother must immediately remove the child and cannot return to a MOMS Club® activity until the child stops the negative behavior altogether. If a child is consistently having behavioral problems that have warranted their removal from several activities, the mother may be asked to refrain from attending events until the child aggressive or anti-social behavior is under control.

If the child is deemed a danger to himself or other children on a continual basis, the mother may be asked to leave the club.



In the event that the Code of Conduct is not followed, the witnessing party shall contact the Executive Board, which will discuss the issue with the member(s) involved. The Board has the authority to impose penalties as follows:


  1. 1st Offense – Verbal Warning

  2. 2nd Offense – Written Warning

  3. 3rd Offense (within one calendar year) – Member will be placed on a 30-day improvement period, during which she and her children are not allowed to attend any MOMS Club® activities, playgroups, or meetings. After this period, if no improvement is noted, the member will be asked to leave the MOMS Club and her dues will be forfeit.


An appeal process exists for individuals who feel their membership has ben unfairly terminated. Please contact the President for a copy of the appeal process application. Members choosing to appeal will be notified, via certified mail, of the date the board will meet to discuss and vote on the appeal. The member is encouraged to attend this meeting. A unanimous decision is required to deny the appeal.

Playgroup Guidelines

  1. All members of a playgroup must be MOMS Club members. If a mother wished to bring a child, other than or in addition to her own, the child’s parent must include a permission statement allowing the other mother to have her child, a liability waiver, and a medical release. This is even if the mother is a dues paying chapter member.

  2. Playgroup size may be limited to 8 moms. When the maximum number is reached, the playgroups may be split by randomly drawing names or if more appropriate, by age.

  3. Members should always RSVP to the host of a playdate if they plan on coming to the event. If a member commits to attending an event and cannot come at the last minute, she should notify the host as a courtesy.

  4. Everyone in the playgroup should take a turn hosting. If the hostess would prefer not to have the group at their home an alternate location can be chosen.

  5. The indoor area in which children play should be structurally safe and sanitary in appearance and odor.

  6. If children are playing outdoors, any backyard equipment must be in good working order. A pool or spa should be either fenced or locked.

  7. Playdate hosts who have family pets should use their discretion to ensure that they are providing a safe environment for other members and their children. Pet owners should be prepared to put away animals during a playdate, if requested, due to allergies or safety reasons.

  8. Children may not hit, shove, bite, or verbally mistreat other children or adults. If such behavior occurs and is severe or is the second time, it is your responsibility to leave the group for the day. If the behavior continues, the child may not attend any activities until the problem has ceased to exist and the board has given permission. See Code of Conduct for further details.

  9. Please do not attend the playgroup if you or your child has an undiagnosed rash or earache, fever,  diarrhea ,vomiting, pink eye, cold and/or runny nose (not allergy related), or any infection in which you started antibiotics within 24 hours or less.

  10. If your family owns firearms or other weapons, it is your responsibility as a playdate host to ensure that they are locked away and in no way accessible to members and children who are guests in your house. The safety of our children is paramount.

I have been given a copy of the Playgroup Guidelines and agree to the rules set forth therein.


A signed copy of your agreement must be on file before you participate in a playgroup activity in a member's home.

permission for my family and me to join in those activities or programs.  My family shall hold harmless this local MOMS club, the MOMS Club corporation, and MOMS Club volunteers or representatives, paid or unpaid, and /or the providers of any activity or program location and/or materials from any liability and/or responsibility for any accident, illness or injury that occurs during or as a result of any function or program.  I accept that the final responsibility for my safety and that of my family rests with me.

Illness Policy

Members should not bring their children or attend any MOMS Club activities when they or anyone in the household has been ill or had symptoms including but not limited to:  fever, vomiting, diarrhea, extreme lethargy, severe cough or pain, discharge from the eyes, green mucous, pink eye, undiagnosed rash or earache, or any other communicable disease (such as chicken pox, etc), or any infection in which you started antibiotics within 24 hours or less.


Until further notice: 

Do NOT attend any MOMS Club events or activities if you or anyone in your household has tested positive or has been experiencing any symptoms of Coronavirus in the last 14 days. 


Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus and can include but are not limited to: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea. 


Anyone who has had close contact with a person who has COVID-19 should also stay home and monitor their health. Invited guests who live with those at higher risk should also consider the potential risk to their loved ones.

When possible, please wear masks indoors and choose food and drink options that limit the use of shared serving utensils.


MOMS Club of Parkton cares about your well-being. We will do our best to:

  • Plan events where social distancing can be maintained.

  • Host gatherings outdoors, when possible.

  • Consider virtual options for activities.

  • Schedule in person events at off-peak times to avoid crowding in public and congested areas.

  • Arrange seating to allow for social distancing. 

  • Minimize gestures that promote close contact. (like hugs and handshakes) 

  • Keep a list of attendees at in person events for potential future contract tracing needs.


When in doubt, please stay safe at home!

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